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Tin Tin Thein

Department of Medical Research, Upper Myanmar, Myanmar

Tin Tin Thein

Tin Tin Thein, Pathologist
Director, Biomedical Research, Department of Medical Research, Upper Myanmar

I am Dr Tin Tin Thein, Director (Biomedical Research) from Department of Medical Research (Upper Myanmar) [DMR-UM]. My background is Pathology, however, I have great interest in Public Health. I also serve as a focal person of DMR (UM) concerned with Long-term Institutional Development Grant (LID) funded by WHO/HRP, Geneva. I am an old participant of GFMER as well.

My research domain is mainly focusing on “Reproductive Health Research” especially on Maternal and Child health, Family planning and Adolescent reproductive health. I successfully conducted operations research on Haemoglobin colour scale and Pre-eclampsia. We extend our works on Haemoglobinopathy and epidemiological study concerned with Genetic disease.

I love my job and always try with best of my ability.
