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10th Postgraduate Course for Training in Reproductive Medicine and Reproductive Biology

Geneva WHO Collaborating Center in Human Reproduction

in collaboration with

WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research


Lectures Teachers
Poor-rich inequalities in health care (slide presentation) A.B. Ntabona
Gender perspectives in reproductive health research J. Cottingham
Gender perspectives in reproductive health research (slide presentation) J. Cottingham
Fertilization F. Urner
Oxytocin in reproductive biology E. Tribollet
Puberty: Physiology J-M Dubuis
Puberty: Pathology J-M Dubuis
The menstrual cycle P. Mock
Leptin and human reproduction

M.L. Aubert, D.D. Pierroz, N.M. Gruaz-Gumowski, B. Sudre-Vuagnat, P.D. Raposinho, J-M. Dubuis, P. Broqua, F.P. Pralong

Receptor type and second messangers (slide presentation) P. Bischof
Chromosome pathology S. Dahoun
Genes implicated in sexual differentiation M. Neerman-Arbez
The genetics consultation in OB-GYN : Hereditary cancers (slide presentation) C. DeLozier-Blanchet
Case-control studies (slide presentation) R. Kulier
Research protocol M. Boulvain
Strategies for data analysis (slide presentation) G. Piaggio
Barrier contraceptive methods P. Rowe
Distribution of IUDs users world wide (slide presentation) B. Kayser
Male reproductive health research needs and research agenda Yi-Fei Wang
Reproductive health and male contraception M.T. Mbizvo
Research on regimens for early medical abortion H. von Hertzen
Sterilisation H.B. Peterson
Understanding people’s reproductive health needs and perspectives P. Van Look
Infertility and spontaneous abortion A. Campana
Ovarian stimulation (slide presentation) D. Chardonnens
Etiology of male infertility R.C. Martin-Du Pan
Semen analysis A. de Agostini, H. Lucas
Medical treatment of male infertility R.C. Martin-Du Pan
Surgical treatment of male infertility G.A. de Boccard
Surgical treatment of male infertility (slide presentation) G.A. de Boccard
Menopause G. Girardet , D. De Ziegler
International network on control of gynaecological cancers (slide presentation) S. Nazeer
Syndromic case management of RTIs (slide presentation) S. Nazeer
Primary postpartum haemorrhage J.-C. Schellenberg
Preterm delivery J.-C. Schellenberg
Prevention of neonatal infections (slide presentation) C. Stan