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Benatus Sambili

Amref Health Africa, Tanzania Country Office, Mwanza, Tanzania

Benatus Sambili

Benatus Sambili, DDS, MPH, MBA
Program Manager, Amref Health Africa, Tanzania Country Office, Mwanza, Tanzania

Dr. Benatus Sambili is a public health expert with over five years of public health experience with particular emphasis in health system strengthening, community health system strengthening, leadership, management and governance, maternal, newborn and child health, strategic management, sexual and reproductive health, primary health care, monitoring and evaluation and program management.

He is a dental Surgeon with postgraduate training in public health and MBA in health leadership and management. Since 2012 to date, Benatus Sambili is the Program Manager for Amref Health Africa Uzazi Uzima, a $13.5 million three and half year project; a very successful MNCH project in Simiyu Region working on improving the community and formal health systems to enhance quality provision of MNCH services.

He also served as acting Amref health Africa Lake Zone program manager from January to June 2014. Benatus is a master trainer in leadership, Management and Governance in Health Systems and has participated in a number of trainings in HMIS, Supportive Supervision Training to Health Managers, Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV/AIDS, Providers Initiated HIV Testing and Counseling, project management, risk management, project proposal development, qualitative and quantitative research, Integrated Management Cascade and operation research in human resource for health. From 2008 to 2011, Benatus worked with Bariadi district council in variety of positions in clinical dentistry, district operational research, leadership, coordination of community health fund and primary health sector development program. Prior to this, between 2006 to 2007 while attending internship program, Benatus also worked as tutor at Mbeya dental assistants school providing lectures and supporting clinical practices to students. Benatus has an interest in health systems strengthening and research.
