Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2014 - List of participants
Ihsanullah Sahak
Ministry of Public Health Afghanistan
Ihsanullah Sahak, MD
Research and Evaluation Adviser, Ministry of Public Health Afghanistan
Dr. Ihsanullah Sahak received his MD from Nangarhar medical Faculty, Afghanistan in 2000 and earned his specialization in child health at Maiwand Teaching Hospital in Kabul. After his 5 years practice as a pediatrician in there, Dr. Sahak realized he should broaden his field and serve very many Afghans and humans rather than to serve for a limited figure of patients at a single hospital and switched to research and public health sector. He has a +13 years experience in health sector and has carried out; treatment of sick children, training of junior health workers, health researches and health programs and as chief editor of “Salamati” health magazine.
Dr. Sahak is currently research and evaluation advisor in improving quality in health care department with ministry of public health, in Kabul, Afghanistan. Prior to this he was research and evaluation advisor with Center for Human Services/University Research co.LLC (CHS/URC) from 2010 to 2013. He currently resides in Afghanistan.