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Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2014 - List of participants

Thomas Tako Akim Ujjiga

National Ministry of Health, Juba, Republic of South Sudan

Thomas Tako Akim Ujjiga

Thomas Tako Akim Ujjiga, MPH
Epidemiologist, Directorate of Preventive Health Services, National Ministry of Health, Juba, Republic of South Sudan

Resident epidemiologist awaiting graduation from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi(Kenya). Obtained a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from Juba University, RSS. Presently working in the department of Emergency Preparedness and Response, Directorate of Preventive Health services as D/Director. My research for MPH (2011) was on factors associated with Post Partum Haemorrhage (PPH) conducted at the maternity of Juba Teaching Hospital, RSS.
