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Debela Amente

Gambella Teachers Education and Health Science College, Ethiopia

Debela Amente

Debela Amente, RN, BSc (Health Officer), MSc (Applied Human Nutrition)
Lecturer, Gambella Teachers Education and Health Science College, Ethiopia

I was born on the 10th of November 1984. I obtained a diploma in clinical nursing from Jimma University and bachelor of science in health officer from Mekelle University. My master’s degree which I have recently obtained is in applied human nutrition. I am also certified with diploma of basic computer skills.

I have served as the Head of clinical nursing department for two consecutive years in 2005 and 2006. After holding my BSc degree, I had been serving as an assistant lecturer from 2010 to 2015 until I completed my master’s education and became lecturer.

I had got a chance of facilitating ICCM (integrated community case management) and PITC (provider initiated HIV testing and counseling) under the invitation of IRC and JHU respectively.
