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Gerard Elonge-Fobia

Ministry of Public Health, Cameroon

Gerard Elonge-Fobia

Gerard Elonge-Fobia, MD
Member, United States Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
Member, Cameroon National Medical Council

Gerard Elonge-Fobia, MD, hails from the South West Region of Cameroon. In 2005, he obtained his Doctor of Medicine Diploma from the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon. In 2007, he completed a training in HIV/AIDS management organized by the Weill Cornell University Medical College, New York. In 2010, he obtained his United States Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) Certificate and in 2013, he obtained a Certificate in Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance from the Clinical Research Academy of America, New Jersey. In 2015, he completed the Global Management of HIV/AIDS organized by the Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp. Dr. Elonge-Fobia’s passion for and funding of female and reproductive health goes back to his early years in medical school.

In additional to his routine management of clinical, surgical, and obstetric cases, he has taken a personal interest in Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance, because this is a domain which is much undeveloped in Cameroon and most African countries. His ultimate goal is to see the implementation of a pharmacovigilance planning and monitoring system in Cameroon.


  • Ndumbe, P.M., Elonge-Fobia, G.A., Ngu, J.N., Bate, O., Mformfu, D. (2005) Malaria and HIV/AIDS in Cameroon: Antenatal care attendees as a case study in the management of both infections. J. Cameroon Acad. Sci. 2(5):39-48.
