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Maternal and perinatal health - Course files

Course file - Author(s) References, relevant online documents and resources
Methodological issues in the measurement of maternal mortality and morbidity - Betrán AP Maternal mortality in 2005: Estimates developed by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and The World Bank. World Health Organization, Geneva 2007.

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 2008. Estimates developed by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and The World Bank. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2010.

Maternal mortality : Guidelines, reviews
Interagency maternal mortality estimates 1990-2008: methods and findings - Say L (presentation with audio)

Interagency maternal mortality estimates 1990-2008: methods and findings - Say L (PDF)
Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 2008. Estimates developed by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and The World Bank. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2010.
Monitoring caesarean section - Betrán AP, Souza JP Rising caesarean deliveries in Latin America: how best to monitor rates and risks. World Health Organization 2009.

Cesarean section : Guidelines, reviews
Obstetric fistula - Rochat CH (presentation with audio)
Obstetric fistula - Rochat CH (PDF)
Obstetric fistula. Guiding principles for clinical management and programme development. World Health Organization 2006.
Access to reproductive health care - global significance and conceptual challenges - Say L Measuring access to reproductive health services : Report of a WHO/UNFPA technical consultation. World Health Organization 2005.

National-level monitoring of the achievement of universal access to reproductive health : conceptual and practical considerations and related indicators, report of a WHO/UNFPA technical consultation. World Health Organization 2008.
Maternal near miss - Souza JP

Souza JP, Cecatti JG, Faundes A, Morais SS, Villar J, Carroli G, Gulmezoglu M, Wojdyla D, Zavaleta N, Donner A, Velazco A, Bataglia V, Valladares E, Kublickas M, Acosta A. Maternal near miss and maternal death in the World Health Organization's 2005 global survey on maternal and perinatal health. Bull. World Health Organ [Internet]. 2010 Feb [cited 2010 Jun 14];88(2):113-9.

Pileggi C, Souza JP, Cecatti JG, Faúndes A. Neonatal near miss approach in the 2005 WHO Global Survey Brazil. J Pediatr (Rio J) [Internet]. 2010 Feb [cited 2010 Jun 14];86(1):21-6.

Pattinson R, Say L, Souza JP, Broek NVD, Rooney C. WHO maternal death and near-miss classifications. Bull. World Health Organ [Internet]. 2009 Oct [cited 2010 Jun 14];87(10):734.

Cecatti JG, Souza JP, Parpinelli MA, Haddad SM, Camargo RS, Pacagnella RC, Silveira C, Zanardi DT, Costa ML, Pinto e Silva JL, Passini R, Surita FG, Sousa MH, Calderon IMP, Say L, Pattinson RC. Brazilian network for the surveillance of maternal potentially life threatening morbidity and maternal near-miss and a multidimensional evaluation of their long term consequences. Reprod Health [Internet]. 2009 [cited 2010 Jun 14];615.

The evidence-based management of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia - University of Oxford Preeclampsia, eclampsia, hypertension in pregnancy : Guidelines, reviews