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Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2010 - List of participants - GFMER members pages

Guitunga Celio Carlos Laisse

Centro universitario per la cooperazione internazionale - Università degli studi di Parma, Parma, Italy

Guitunga Celio Carlos Laisse

Guitunga Celio Carlos Laisse, MD, General Practitioner
Postgraduate Student, Master in International Health for Cooperation with Developing Countries, Centro universitario per la cooperazione internazionale - Università degli studi di Parma, Parma, Italy
Director, Rural Hospital, Muxungue, Mozambique

My name is Guitunga Celio Carlos Laisse. I am a Mozambican medical doctor (general practitioner) graduated at the Catholic University of Mozambique in Beira.

Currently, I am doing a Master in Medicine and International Health at the University of Parma in Italy held by Italian cooperation and WHO.
My interest is work in research and teaching field.

Before I came to Parma I was working at the Hospital Rural de Muxungue as director and chief doctor of Chibabava District in Sofala Province-Mozambique, coordinating activities and programs of the Ministry of Health and NGO’s. I was also assistant professor at the Catholic University of Mozambique - Faculty of Medicine working mainly with students organizing lectures and coordinating activities related to medical education using the PBL method.

I left this position to come to Parma to improve my knowledge and skills and after go back there to work with more security and knowledge. With this course of reproductive health I expect to guide my graduate education and professional experience in the direction of health as a fundamental right, facilitating access to good care in order to reduce the high rates of pregnancy complications.
