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Prashant Khatiwada

Richa Bajimaya Memorial Foundation, Kathmandu, Nepal

Prashant Khatiwada

Prashant Khatiwada, MBBS
Assistant Editor, Journal of Advances in Internal Medicine Cancer
Advocate to Richa Bajimaya Memorial Foundation
Technical Advisor to Society of Internal Medicine of Nepal

Medical graduate from Nepal with interest in family medicine, bioinformatics and epidemiology; I look forward to merge these disciplines, into a favorable outcome for developing country. To fuse medicine and technology into constructive and economically viable product; join the limited group of medical entrepreneurs working in primary health care, reproductive health care, and tropical medicine.

As a cancer advocate working with RichaFoundation (RBMF – Nepal), I work with school children of grade five to ten, teaching various primary health cares and anti cancer behavior. My work involvement includes social and preventive health care education via various children activities like sports, exercise, inter school competitions, group work and teaching; and Q and A session with students as well as teachers. As a primary health advocate (in Nidan), I work in Nidan (Nepal) educating about rural Nepal on Sexual and Reproductive Health Care, focused on teens / young adult health education and pregnancy related health awareness.

Beginner to intermediate knowledge of biomedical journalism. I work as an assistant editor to an international biomedical journal (Journal of Advances in Internal Medicine - JAIM) from Nepal. My work involves paper reviewing and screening, website management, layout designing, print and press coordination.

Good technical knowledge on e-medicine and information technology. Avid computer user with sound knowledge on computer languages of Javascript and PHP, I also work on 2D computer designs, photo manipulation, website and layout designing. I am learning photographer.


  • Giri A, Khatiwada P, Shrestha B, Krishna KC R. Perceptions of government knowledge and control over contributions of aid organizations and INGOs to health in Nepal: a qualitative study. Globalization and Health 2013;9:1. doi:10.1186/1744-8603-9-1.
  • Koirala A, Khatiwada P, Giri A, Kandel P, Regmi M, Upreti D . The Demographics of Molar Pregnancies in BPKIHS. Kathmandu Univ Med J 2011;9(4):298-300. doi name:10.3126/kumj.v9i4.6349.
  • Khatiwada P, Giri A, Khatiwoda P. Mucormycosis in diabetes mellitus. Journal of Advances in Internal Medicine 2012;01(02):73-75. doi name: 10.3126/jaim.v1i2.6531.
  • Aryal S, Badhu A, Pandey S, Bhandari A, Khatiwoda P, Khatiwada P, et al. Stigma related to Tuberculosis among patients attending DOTS clinics of Dharan Municipality. Kathmandu Univ Med J 2012;37(1)48-52.
  • Khatiwada P, Kayastha SR, Pant P,Khanal KR, Giri A, Khatiwoda P, Mali A. Understanding of Tobacco and Lung Cancer Among Medical Students in Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences (KUSMS). Kathmandu Univ med J 2012;39(3):61-66.
  • Khatiwada P, Kayastha SR, Giri A, Baral S, Bista D, Khatiwoda P. A Fatal Presentation of Dermatomyositis. Kathmandu Univ Med J 2012;39(3):79-83.
