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Course weekly schedule / Adolescent sexual and reproductive health - Course files
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health - WHO documents

Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2017

Adolescent sexual and reproductive health

Meeting the needs and fulfilling the rights of adolescents to sexual and reproductive health

Module coordinator: Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli

Objectives of the course

As a result of undertaking the course, participants will know:

  • What are the needs of adolescents on sexual and reproductive health?
  • How to respond to their needs?

Topics to be covered in the course

  1. Promoting menstrual hygiene and health
  2. Providing sexuality education
  3. Promoting gender equality in young adolescents
  4. Providing contraceptive information and services
  5. Preventing STIs and responding to them when they occur
  6. Preventing and responding to violence against women

Teaching-learning methods to be used in course

On each of the topic, we will post the following items:

  1. A set of 15-20 slides with accompanying talking points.
  2. The link to a short video.
  3. A set of 1-3 documents.
  4. A short assignment.

What is required of you

For each module:

  • Please go through the video, slides and talking points.
  • Please read the 1-3 accompanying documents (particularly journal article).
  • Do the short assignment, after going through the slide set and documents.

For all the modules:

  • If you have questions to pose or points to make, please send us an email message to your assigned coordinator. You will get a prompt response.

Certificates and awards

All participants who send in completed assignments (i.e. with responses to all six questions) by the required date, will receive a certificate of completion.

The top ten participants will receive an additional certificate of commendation.

The top five participants will get a set of books on writing and presenting effectively.

Course facilitators

The course will be conducted by staff from WHO's departments of Reproductive Health and Research and Maternal Newborn Child and Adolescent Health.

It will be coordinated by:

Dr V. Chandra-Mouli
Scientist – Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
Department of Reproductive Health and Research
World Health Organization
20 Avenue Appia,1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
+41 22 791 4814
