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Diana Ondieki

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, College of Health Sciences, University of Nairobi, Kenya

Diana Ondieki

Diana Ondieki, MD, Ob/Gyn
Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, College of Health Sciences, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Council Member, Kenya Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society
Assistant Editor, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Eastern and Central Africa

Passionate about empowerment of Adolescents and Youth in matters Sexuality.


  • Ondieki D.K, Gichuhi J.W, M’Imunya J.M, Ndirangu G. Knowledge, attitudes and practices of infertile couples on male participation in infertility management at the Kenyatta National Hospital. East African Medical Journal 2015; 92(11):366-373.
  • Ondieki D.K, Gichuhi J.W, M’Imunya J.M, Ndirangu G. Socio - cultural factors impacting male involvement in the management of infertile couples at the Kenyatta National Hospital. JOGECA 2015; 27(2):29-34. 
  • Atisa F.O, Kamau K, Kosgei RJ, Ondieki DK. Influence of Early Booking for Antenatal Care on Antenatal and Early Pregnancy Outcomes at Kenyatta National Hospital. JOGECA 2015; 27(2):22-28.
  • C.M Nderitu, J Wanyoike-Gichuhi, D.K. Ondieki, X. Odawa. Pregnancy Outcome Among Adolescents and Non-Adolescents Delivering at Kiambu County Hospital, Kenya. East African Medical Journal 2015; 92(8):381-388.
  • Ondieki D.K, Gichuhi J.W. An aberrant uterus: A case report. East African Medical Journal 2015; 92(8):1-4.
  • Gichuhi J.W, Parkar R, Ondieki D.K. Endometriosis in Unicornuate Uterus with non-communicating rudimentary horn. East African Medical Journal 2015; 92(10):366-370.
  • Ondieki D.K, J. Wanyoike Gichuhi. Obstetric complications of cervical stenosis: a case report and literature review. East African Medical Journal 2015; 92(11):568-570.
  • J. Wanyoike Gichuhi, S.N.K Waweru, B. Kihara, D.K. Ondieki. Case Review: Successful IVF-ICSI with a Live Baby in an Azoospermic Patient Utilizing Cryopreserved Testicular Retrieved Sperms. East African Medical Journal 2015; 91(12):1-3.
  • J. Wanyoike Gichuhi, C.M. Nderitu, Ondieki D.K. To determine the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of emergency contraception among clients attending family planning clinic at the Kenyatta National Hospital. European International Journal of Science and Technology. ISSN: 2304-9693
  • J. Wanyoike Gichuhi, R. Parker, B. Kihara, D.K. Ondieki. Premature Ovarian Failure in Twins: Case Presentation and Literature Review. East African Medical Journal 2016; 93(6):172-174.
  • D.K. Ondieki, J.W. Gichuhi, A.B. Kihara, E. Cheserem Impact of Septate Uterus on Obstetric Outcome: Case Report. East African Medical Journal 2017; 94(4):82-84.


Top 40 under 40 women 2016 - this is an award given to top performing women in the country aged less than 40 years by the Business Daily, a Kenyan Newspaper.
