Research methodology - Course files
Monitoring and evaluating family planning / reproductive health programmes: an introduction
Alfredo Luis Fort
From Research to Practice: Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2013
May 22, 2013 - Geneva
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Fort AL. Monitoring and evaluating family planning / reproductive health programmes: an introduction. Paper presented at: Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research; 2013 May 22; Geneva. Available from: - further reading
- For a framework and construction of indicators: J. Bertrand and Escudero, G., Compendium of Indicators for Evaluating Reproductive Health Programs, Volume One. MEASURE Evaluation Manual Series, No. 6, August 2002
- For discussion on what can be accomplished with different assessments and evaluation designs: JP Habicht, CG Victora and JP Vaughan, Evaluation designs for adequacy, plausibility and probability of public health programme performance and impact, International Journal of Epidemiology, 1999; 28: 10-18
- For presentation of different types of research and evaluation designs: AA Fisher, JR Foreit, J Laing, J Stoeckel and J Townsend, HIV/AIDS Intervention Studies: An Operations Research Handbook, The Population Council, 2002
- For a Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit, with tips on how to build a framework and indicators:
- For how to assess quality of care in facilities, including instruments: Quick Investigation of Quality (QIQ) A User's Guide for Monitoring Quality of Care in Family Planning, MEASURE Evaluation Manual Series, No. 2, Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2001
- For M&E plans for Adolescent SRH programs: S Adamchak, K Bond, L MacLaren et al, A Guide to Monitoring and Evaluating Adolescent Reproductive Health Programs, FOCUS on Young Adults, Tool Series 5, June 2000